
Natalia Kills Perfectionist專輯


Yesterday you were in front of me,
Woke up this morning,
All of a sudden you're a memory.
Oh, if life is as short as they say it is,
I guess we'll meet again sooner than we think we will.
They say a picture says a thousand words,
But I would trade a thousand pictures to hear one of yours.
I'm not done saying prayers,
Like I was writing your letters,
Cause if heaven's far like I think it is,
You wouldn't get 'em.
And heaven must be beautiful right now,
Cause they got you baby,
Cause they got you babe.
Heaven must be beautiful right now,
Cause they got you baby.
Cause they got you.

They say that god is full of mysteries,
Sometimes I wonder if you tell him that you're missing me.
Cause I miss you everyday,
Like they took someone away,
Like they took color away and it's grey,
Needs to get the hell away from me.
And heaven must be beautiful right now,
Cause they got you baby,
Cause they got you babe.
Heaven must be beautiful right now,
Cause they got you baby.
Cause they got you.